Understanding Safe Fire Ratings can be confusing.
Having you figure out how long it will take the fire department to get to your home and then put out the fire helps us to determine how long the valuables in your safe will be exposed to high temperatures.
The number value on Liberty fire ratings is the approximate time it takes the inside of the safe to reach a temperature of 350 degrees. 350 degrees is when paper chars. This is the standard most safe companies use to determine when the safe fails.
Liberty's goal is to keep the contents of the safe exposed to the lowest temperature possible for as long as possible.
The layers of fireboard, thickness of steel, and the door seal all play a critical role in determining the fire rating.
After the safe reaches 210 degrees and the door seal is activated the temperature will continue to rise at a rate determined by the layers of fireboard, and the thickness of steel.
The contents of a 30 minute rated safe will be exposed to 210 degrees within 10 to 15 minutes. Then the door seal will go off and the temperature will climb at a slower rate. In 30 minutes the temperature will reach 350 degrees.
A 60 minute fire rated safe has more layers of fireboard and thicker steel so after 10 to 15 minutes the safe will reach 210 degrees, the fire seal goes off and then the temperature starts to increase at a slower rate and will last for 60 minutes until it reaches 350 degrees.
So in a nutshell the higher the fire rating means the contents of the safe will be exposed to lower temperatures for a longer period of time.